‘Demonstrating Resilience and Inspiring Lives’ engages young people with the music they listen to, such as DRILL and Grime to teach children how to use song writing and music as a way of diverting them from anti-social behaviours.

Our Facilitators

What's it all about?

Enjoy the Programme music while you find out more!

Delivered over 12-weeks with up to 10 children in school or alternative provision settings. Sessions take place once weekly and can be tailored to the needs of the children or setting.

Our practitioners facilitate the sessions, but we encourage children to lead enabling them to explore the issues and challenges which affect them. Children learn new skills, wellbeing tools and receive mentoring all of which give young people the tools to make the right choices, find their right path and explore their creativity

See us in action here!

Project Outcomes

  • Greater understanding of how to deal with conflict
  • Increased self-esteem and ability to manage negative feelings
  • Improved knowledge of appropriate support services 
  • Increased levels of engagement with education 
  • Improved family relationships and positive peer relationships 
  • Increased aspirations and ambition

Email us at info@freedomfoundationuk.org or call us on 0115 993 2370

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