
Green FRED

A low carbon careers workshop, that offers children and young people the opportunity to explore what is means to be GREEN in business.

Fred Logo

What's it all about?

Enjoy the Programme music while you find out more!

We engage young people in positive conversations about climate change and action in their community giving them the knowledge and confidence to shape their own low carbon future and careers. This workshop empowers young people with the confidence to develop creative employer engagement, entrepreneurial skills, and values to instil optimism for the future.

What’s it all about:

  • Delivered as a 3-hour workshop with whole class groups
  • Young people learn the importance of using their voice for positive action and leading the way
  • Young people explore low-carbon careers and their impact on the climate
  • Promoting the importance of voting, exploring the positive use of social media to raise profiles and issues and reach a wider audience
  • Two elected students will share the groups ideas through healthy debate and will create a video to be presented to the whole school.


See us in action here!                            

Fred Logo

How can we help?

Our programme enables schools to meet outcomes for Good Career Guidance.

  1. Grow throughout life 
  2. Manage career 
  3. Create opportunities 
  4. See the big picture


Gatsby Benchmarks 

  1. Learning from career and labour market information.
  2. Encounters with employers and employees.
  3. Experiances of workplaces.


Email us at info@freedomfoundationuk.org or call us on 0115 993 2370

We can offer this programme as part of your educational day.

What does it achieve?

Aims and objectives of the programme.

To ignite a passion for environmental awareness.

To invite open discussion to explore objective thinking.

To give clear guidance of pathways to education and career opportunities.

To explore self-reflection and responsible citizenship.

To build resilience and aspirations to improve decision making.

To instill confidence and vocal capabilities.

Where do I sign up ?

More great programmes we have to offer!